
Cybersecurity and Business Owners

Your data is your business. Cybercriminals want it and they are going to get it. 63% of small business owners report having been victims of cyberattack.  Do not let your business be next!

Small to medium sized businesses are particularly at risk because they are viewed by hackers as easier targets due to their general lack of awareness and resources. Small businesses can no longer afford to remain unaware of the threats or remain complacent with inadequate technology. They have to take action to enhance their systems, processes, and staffing in order to remain viable in today’s online economy.

The Nevada SBDC is here to help with a variety of resources. The manuals and handouts below will help you review your current strategies and policies and consider all of the elements involved in Cybersecurity. The handouts are also great tools to use in employee and team meetings. Educating and discussing these threats with your team is key to protecting your business from hackers.



Do's and Don'ts

This is a great check list to cover with your team and think about all angles of your companies cybersecurity protection elements.

Cyber Solutions

Cybersecurity can be a big scary topic. We created this one page document as a reference tool to help you consider all areas of cybersecurity and the companies and programs you might want to consider!

Cyber Tips

A few details on seven key areas of cybersecurity. Another great piece that can be used in team meetings or given to employees to heighten awareness and action.


Ransomeware is scary and could lock your doors to business in a heartbeat. Learn what it is, how it happens and how to protect your business.