Nevada SBDC

Federal Congressional District 2 Impact

2024 Economic Impact

Total Clients


New Business


Total Jobs


Total Capital
(Loans & Equity)

$ 0


Bubbles & Brews Reno Tahoe

Advisor: Jacob Carrico

Christine Johnson saw an opportunity in the Reno/Tahoe area to offer mobile bar services to local weddings, corporate events, and other large gatherings, but was unsure of licensing requirements or how to raise funds to get her new venture off the ground. Without appropriate business and alcohol licensing, Johnson’s dream of serving up the good times in her community would never come to pass.

Johnson reached out to Nevada SBDC to receive guidance on what licenses she needed to obtain to legalize her business before launching. Johnson was paired with Nevada SBDC Director of Advising Jacob Carrico, who assisted her in navigating the business and alcohol licensing requirements as well as ways to fund her startup costs and launch her business.

After working with Carrico and a Nevada SBDC marketing intern, Johnson was able to acquire the appropriate licenses needed to ensure her business would be in good standing and able to serve alcohol for events in different areas. Carrico was also able to provide guidance on funding, leading to Bubbles and Brews receiving a $75,000 equity line of credit. Johnson was able to use this to purchase her major startup assets and officially launch her business.

“Nevada SBDC has been essential to the development and success in starting my small business here in Reno. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life; however, that doesn’t mean you’re an expert in all things business. When I needed guidance and help navigating some turbulent waters this year…my first call was to Nevada SBDC. The advice, the contacts, and the information I receive time in and time out are nuggets of gold. Not only have they pointed me in the right direction, but they made introductions that will last a lifetime.

Thank you!”

– CJ Johnson,
Owner, Bubbles & Brews Reno Tahoe

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