Nevada SBDC

Federal Congressional District 4 Impact

2024 Economic Impact

Total Clients


New Business


Total Jobs


Total Capital
(Loans & Equity)

$ 0


Niknar LLC, DBA Edible Arrangements

Advisor: Charae Parks

Lola Rankin owned and operated a Las Vegas location of the popular Edible Arrangements franchise, and while she was making decent sales, she struggled with reaching new customers and expanding her marketing base. She was sustaining her business, but needed new ideas and avenues for growth andexpansion.

Rankin applied for the Clark County Office of Community and Economic Development’s Technical and Economic Assistance Program (TEAP) and was assisgned to Charae Parks in the Nevada SBDC Urban Chamber of Commerce office for technical assistance. Nevada SBDC has worked closely with Clark County TEAP program to provide techincal assistance and training to small business accepted into the program, ensuring that awarded funds were used to appropriately sustain or grow Clark County small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Parks worked with Rankin on longterm marketing strategy and action plans, including preparring for major holidays and making concerted outreach efforts to new audiences not familiar with her services.

With the help of Nevada SBDC and Charae Parks, Rankin was awarded $50,000 from the TEAP program. This influx of cash alllowed her to hire and train 4 new employees to expand her capacity. And with the advising provided by the Nevada SBDC, Rankin now has a better understanding of marketing strategy and tactics, inventory preparation, and how to take better advantage of the times her business naturally expands, such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Rankin’s franchise made over $1,000,000 in 2024.

“We are managing through these very tough economic times because of what organizations like this do to help the small business community in Nevada. We definitely could not have made it through without this assistance! “

– Lola Rankin,
Franchise Owner, Niknar LLC, DBA Edible Arrangements


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